cup, saucer (podšálek), bowl (miska), plate (talíř), pan (pánev), saucepan (hrnec s držadlem (pánev)), pot, lid (poklička), teapot, pressure cooker (papiňák), glass, knife, fork, spoon, wooden spoon (vařečka), teaspoon, soup ladle (naběračka), garlic press, lemon squeezer (vymačkavač citonů), corkscrew (vývrtka), bottle and tin opener, kitchen scales (kuch. váhy), gas stove (kamna), microwave oven, coffee-maker, dish-washer, electric mixer, wash the dishes,
menu, be hungry, be thirsty, starting, helping (porce), table cloth (ubrus), lay the table (prostírat), eat in cafeteria (samoobslužná jídelna), snack bar, canteen (jídelna), restaurant, inn (hostinec), tavern (hospoda), pub (horší hospoda), waiter/waitress, barman/barmaid, ask for the bill, pay the bill, tip sb (dát spropitné),
soups: tripe (dršťková), cream of mushroom, cream of tomato, cauliflower s. (květáková), chicken bouillon, fish s., beef s., vegetable s., borsch,