
British theatre I

I. British theatre up to 19th century· before 16th century – sources – Religious plays – mystery plays (life of saints)– miracle plays (Bible themes) – Pagan and folk plays – everyday problems and...

History of the English language

· 1066 – Norman duke William beat the English king Harold at the battle of Hastings and French words became an important part of English · in next 200 years, English with Latin, Norse...

History of the English language

· about 5000 B.C. a tribe called the Indo-Europeans lived in central Europe, they had their own language, and when they discovered the wheel around 3000 B.C., they were able to travel; some went...

Varieties of English

· English Language is the chief medium of communication of people in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and numerous other countries, among the biggest and probably most...

Do journalists influence public opinion

· many people read the newspapers every day and although the newspapers shouldn’t advance any political party or publicise e.g. racial opinions, journalists sometimes do (they have their opinions and they rather write in...

The influence of TV on a regular viewer

· there are 2 types of viewers – the 1st one is addict to TV, they watch it many hours a day and they don’t care much what the program is (they often do...

Different types of massmedia

CR : 2 channels public TV – serious information, programs of all interests, documents2 channels commercial TV – shocking news, action movies, soap operas, sitcoms, cheap seriesradio stations – music, foreign st. – BBCnewspapers...

Different types of massmedia

· the main types of massmedia are four : TV, newspapers, radio stations and InternetTV : no doubt that the TV is the most spread massmedia and has the biggest influencepeople are offerd an...

USA – School system

· elementary and secondary education involves 12 years of schooling, the successful completion of which leads to a high school diploma· the first possible school children can attend is a Kindergarten (actually nursing school),...