24, English speaking countries
24, English speaking countries
The term is used for countries where the majority of the population speaks English as their mother tongue – the U.K., the U.S.A, Canada, Australia and New Zeland.
Besides there are large areas where English is spoken as the second language – e.g. India, Pakistan, the republic of South Africa and other African countries – generally said English is spoken in the Commonwealth countries.
British Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association (dobrovolná asociace) of Great Britain and 47 former (bývalých) British colonies. In the 17 of them the Queen Elisabeth II. is the head of the state.
There are 5 types of English: Britain, Amrican, Australian, Indian and African.
It´s the most widespread (rozšířený) language in the world.
It´s used in politics, economics, diplomacy, business, science and technology, culture and sports.
+ povídání o jednotlivých zemích
Zvolací a přací věty
1, zvolací: What a nice day !
How beatiful !
2, přací: in olny, i wish = „kéž“
☺ posun času: I wish he would come. – Kéž přijde. (budoucnost je vyjádřena podmiňovacím způsobem)
☺ I wish you were here. – Kéž tu teď jsi. (přítomnost je vyjádřena minulým časem)
☺ I wish he hadn´t told that. – Kéž to neřekl. (minulost je vyjádřena předminulým časem)