13. The United Kingdom, geography
13. The United Kingdom, geography
The official name – the U.K. of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
A constitutional monarchy = the official head of the state is Queen Elizabeth II. present prime minister = Gordon Braun.
It liess between th Artic Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
The area is about 2. 500. 000 square km and population is more than 60 milion.
It consists of four parts: England (capital London), Scotland (Edinbourgh), Wales (Cardiff), Northen Ireland (Belfast).
Its neighbours France (in the north-east), Ireland (in the west).
The highest mountains: the Highlands of Scotland, the highest peak = Ben Nevis (1342m). The longest rivers: the Severn, th Thames,.. Country is divided into countries.
Interesting places and regions:
Beautiful lake areas (in Cumbria and Highlands of Scotland).
Oxford and Cambridge – old university cities.
Winchester and Canterbury – old cathedral cities.
Stonehange – in the Salisbury Plains, a historic monument with gian stone ardes older than 3500 years.
Birningham – lies at the geographical heart of England, the second largest city in Britain.
Zájmena osobní, s předložkami, přivlastňovací a zvratná – Pronouns
Personal – I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They
S předložkami: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, Them (tzv. nepřímý pád)
Possesive –
1, samostatná: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs
2, nesamostatná: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, thein
Reflexive – self/ selves
☺ myself, yourself
☺ vyjadřují zvratnost nebo zdůrazňují
☺ stojí za podmětem nebo na konci věty
☺ I will do it myself. I myself will do it. – Já sám to udělám.