Future plans and career choices 1.
What are my future plans?
I often wonder about my future because I am going to finish secondary school. The number one question on my mind (trápí mě, doléhá na mě) is which profession should I choose. It is very hard to make any definite choice because I know it will affect me for the rest of my life. I want a profession that will satisfy me (bude uspokojovat), challenge me (stimulovat) and bring me joy.
I believe that a job should be like a hobby. I want to love my work.
First of all, I want to finish this secondary school. The first important exam of my life is the school-leaving exam called maturita. After my graduation I would like to go on my studies at university. (I would not like to go on my studies, I would like to go to work.)
After graduation there are many different career opportunities. You can work in manufacturing (ve výrobě), in service, agriculture or business. Everyone has to decide which path is the best for him, once he finishes elementary school. One option is to continue studies at secondary school. The second option is to choose another branch of the educational system. It is very important to consider your interests (zájmy) when you choose your future profession.
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2, My Plans for future
Future plans and career choices 2.
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